All set to fitfluence?

Noob Community
4 min readOct 27, 2022

“Monday se gym pakka”, not again! I am tired of hearing myself say that every weekend and chances are that you are too. If you’re going to be tired of something, let that be a workout! Jokes apart, remember the 30-day abs challenge or the meal prep videos we binge-watched when we were all stuck at home for the pandemic? For the first time, fitness content was so much more accessible as people made their home their workout haven. We all embraced that spirit of motivation that came through fitness influencers aka fitfluencers and that is where it all began!

Fitfluencers are social media content creators who specialise in guiding others about healthier lifestyles. Their content varies from workout playlists to ‘5 mistakes to avoid at the gym’ and ‘meal prep ideas that are out of this world’. If you find yourself capable enough of advising others on similar ideas, you too can be a fitfluencer on Noob Community!

Think you have the guts (abs) to be one? Wait! There’s more than just your experience in working out that matters. Fitfluencers are expected to be a legible source of information and are trusted by many. PLEASE SEE: LOADS OF RESEARCH. All clear? Let’s head on to more information then. As a trained and certified fitfluencer, people have their eyes and trust on you and that is the first step to starting off. Like any other creator, you are carving into a niche even within the fitness content field, and hence you need to know what is popular within your niche so you can tap into that. People trust fitfluencers a lot, and if they can trust you, why not make it something that’s profitable for you too?

Now that we know what you’re good at, listen to what we are good at- cracking the basics of content creation. As a fitfluencer, content formats are really versatile. Workout videos and playlists, podcast episodes to debunk fitness myths, posts from your weekly meal plan and engaging in the progress of your community. All of this, and beyond that, answering the endless questions people have about fitness in general is a great way to never let the creative block get to you. Engagement is almost not even a problem as fitness content is usually a two-way channel for communication: you’re teaching people something and they expect to get their doubts cleared or their hard work recognized. If the engagement rates are so high then why aren’t the withdrawals from your revenue streams?

While we have written numerous articles on how to make content creation a stable revenue stream, it is especially easy for fitfluencers to do that. Even more so with our app, Noob Community. While we help you with the backend of your operations like automating your tasks for content posting and notifying your followers along with giving you the platform to talk about your content, your only task remains to plan, shoot, edit and schedule (AND ENGAGE!). Want to talk about more potential? Think about all of those brands that you can endorse, be it your athleisure wear that you’re endorsing or your favourite protein powder. Apart from the revenue streams we provide you with through our subscription based model, you get to take advantage of your popularity too! Still skeptical of what we offer to you apart from our platform?

Revenue through subscribers who wish to opt for your paid services like workshops, 1:1 consultation, premium videos and much more! What does your audience get apart from an amazing bod? Rewards through our in-app currency boons & the chance to interact with you! Think that you can get me out of monday blues and get me to do push-ups? See you on Noob Community then ;)

-Soubhagya Daspattanayak and Nidhi Parab. Creatives by Bandita Deka.

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Noob Community

We are to content creators what Chandler is to Joey. We guide you, keep you sane and listen to your rants. The best part? We help you earn better too!